Microgame Platformer Part 2 (Ambience)

Hey everyone and welcome back to part 2 of my "Microgame Platformer" series. Today we're going to implement some ambience into the game (this time something that actually fits). I'll be going through both the design of the sounds and the implementation in FMOD. Let's do it! Getting An Overview When designing ambience, it's a good idea to take a look at the environment and map out sounds that you could add to your ambience sound. If we take a look at the starting area of the game for example, there's a bunch…continue reading →

Microgame Platformer Part 1 (Setup)

Hey everyone! Today I'm starting a new series where I'm going to implement sound and do sound design for the Platformer Microgame that you can get access to in the Unity asset store. This series is intended for you to follow along with, learn some new things about FMOD, Unity and C# and also get a good little project for your demo reel. I'm going to be using FMOD 2.04 and Unity 2018.4, so if you don't have those installed, do it now before we begin. Hope you have fun! Downloading The Project…continue reading →

Playing Sound On Keypress In Unity

Today we're taking a look at how to play a sound in Unity when pressing a key, using it's native audio engine. It's pretty simple, but you can use this same basic method when wanting to play a sound when entering triggers, when collisions are happening and so forth. I'm going to be showing you both how to just play a single sound and also how to map out different sounds for different keys. Have fun! Why is this useful? You might be wondering why this is useful at all, so here's some…continue reading →

Creating Engines In Massive (and getting them ready for implementation)

It's been a little while since the last blog post (sorry!), but today I want to show you a technique that I've personally found really useful when creating vehicle engines. This technique is probably most useful for sci-fi vehicles like spaceships and such, but if you're creative enough with it, you can take it very far! Let's get started! What we're basically going to be doing in Massive, is using a macro to act as the RPM parameter from the game. Try following along and see what you can come up with by…continue reading →